Useful Commands

pwdShow present working directory
cd <dir_name>Change directory
lsList directory
mkdir <dir_name>Make a directory
touch <file_name>Create a new file *
rm <file_name>Delete file
rm -rf <dir_name>Delete no empty directory
rmdir <dir_name>Delete only empty directory
man <command>Manual page for a command
echo <"text"> or <file_name>Outputs the strings that are passed to it as arguments
cat <file_name>Show file contents
cpCopy file
mvMove or rename file
diff <file_name_1> <file_name_2>Generates output describing the differences between the two files
chmodChanges file permission
grep grep -r <keyword> ls | grep <keyword>Global ReGex Print


For most commands, is possible get more details about it using use the --help flag.

Running Multiple Commands in One Line

  • ; always run the next command.
  • && only run the next command when the first succeeds.
  • || only run the next command when the first fails.
# cmd_1; cmd_2
cd <folder_name>; ls
# cmd_1 && cmd_2
cd <folder_name> && ls
# cmd_1 || cmd_2
cd <folder_name> || ls