What is ?

Homebrew is a package management system for macOS, it simplifies software installation. The tool install the packages to their own directory and then symlinks their files into /opt/hombebrew directory.

Useful Commands

brew install --cask <package>Install a package
brew updateUpdates Homebrew and its packages (brew and cask)
brew upgrade <package>Upgrades installed packages to their latest versions or all packages
brew info <package>List versions, caveats, etc
brew outdatedLists packages that are outdated
brew doctorChecks for potential issues and provides suggestions for fixing them
brew cleanup <package>Removes old versions of installed packages
brew listList installed packages
brew list —-caskList installed applications
brew uninstall <package>Remove/Uninstall a package
brew leavesLists all installed formulae that are not dependencies of any other installed formula
brew leaves | xargs brew desc --eval-allLists and describes top-level packages (those not installed as dependencies)
brew ls --casks | xargs brew desc --eval-allThis command lists and describes all installed casks