It operates by incrementally learning patterns and identifying unexpected events in dynamic environments. Is a unsupervised and adaptative method with a algorithmic complexity .

Based on two strategies:

  • GWR: Grow When Required
  • SOM: Self-Organizing Maps

Main parameters:

  • : Changes the cluster centroid
  • : Controls the Gaussian spread
  • : Sigma adaptation for each specific cluster

In the context of Markov Chains each cluster defined by a Gaussian represents one possible state on the chain.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from ucimlrepo import fetch_ucirepo
data = np.array(
        [5, 5],
        [5.2, 4.8],
        [4.7, 5.3],
        [10, 10],
        [10.2, 9.8],
        [9.7, 10.3],
        [5, 5],
array([[ 5. ,  5. ],
       [ 5.2,  4.8],
       [ 4.7,  5.3],
       [10. , 10. ],
       [10.2,  9.8],
       [ 9.7, 10.3],
       [ 5. ,  5. ]])
def get_closest_gaussian(example, centroids, sigma, threshold=1e-3):
    """Find the closest Gaussian cluster from the example point. If no clusters
    have been created the function return -1."""
    # check if there is no centroids
    if centroids.size == 0:
        return -1
    euclidian_distance = np.apply_along_axis(
        lambda center: (np.sum((center - example) ** 2)) ** (1 / 2),
    activation = np.exp(-(euclidian_distance**2) / (2 * sigma**2))
    idx = activation.argmax()
    # manages the sensitivity for new clusters creation
    if activation[idx] < threshold:
        return -1
    return idx
def estimate_markov_chain_entropy_rate(adj_mat: np.array) -> float:
    """Calculates the Shannon entropy for a Markov Chain given your
    adjacency matrix representation."""
    return -1 * np.sum(adj_mat * np.log2(adj_mat))
def sonde(X, alpha=0.01, sigma=1, eps=1e-7, delta=0.01, verbose=True):
    d = X.shape[1]
    centroids = np.empty((0, d))
    old_pos = -1
    curr_pos = -1
    markov = None
    old_H = -1
    curr_H = -1
    H = []
    delta_H = []
    for point in X:
        example = point.reshape(1, d)
        curr_pos = get_closest_gaussian(example, centroids, sigma)
        if curr_pos == -1:
            # create a new Gaussian
            if centroids.size == 0:
                centroids = np.concatenate((centroids, example), axis=0)
                curr_pos = 0
                markov = np.array([[eps]])
                centroids = np.concatenate((centroids, example), axis=0)
                curr_pos = centroids.shape[0] - 1
            if centroids.shape[0] > 1:
                markov = np.pad(
                    ((0, 1), (0, 1)),
            # adapt an existing Gaussian
            centroids[curr_pos, :] = (1 - alpha) * centroids[
                curr_pos, :
            ] + alpha * example
        if old_pos != -1:
            markov[old_pos, curr_pos] = markov[old_pos, curr_pos] + delta
            if verbose:
                print(f"Moved from state ( {old_pos} ) to ( {curr_pos} )")
        # normalize the adjacency matrix
        for i in range(markov.shape[0]):
            markov[i] = markov[i, :] / sum(markov[i, :])
        # calculate the entropy
        curr_H = estimate_markov_chain_entropy_rate(markov)
        # calculate the entropy difference
        if old_H != -1:
            delta_H.append(curr_H - old_H)
        if verbose:
            print(f"Markov Adjacency Matrix:\n{markov}")
            print("-" * 50)
        old_pos = curr_pos
        old_H = curr_H
    return delta_H, H, centroids, markov
dH, H, centroids, markov = sonde(X=data, verbose=True)
Markov Adjacency Matrix:
Moved from state ( 0 ) to ( 0 )
Markov Adjacency Matrix:
Moved from state ( 0 ) to ( 0 )
Markov Adjacency Matrix:
Moved from state ( 0 ) to ( 1 )
Markov Adjacency Matrix:
[[0.99009891 0.00990109]
 [0.5        0.5       ]]
Moved from state ( 1 ) to ( 1 )
Markov Adjacency Matrix:
[[0.99009891 0.00990109]
 [0.4950495  0.5049505 ]]
Moved from state ( 1 ) to ( 1 )
Markov Adjacency Matrix:
[[0.99009891 0.00990109]
 [0.49014802 0.50985198]]
Moved from state ( 1 ) to ( 0 )
Markov Adjacency Matrix:
[[0.99009891 0.00990109]
 [0.49519606 0.50480394]]
array([[ 4.9989902,  5.0010098],
       [ 9.99898  , 10.00102  ]])

Time Series Data Example

# fetch dataset
toy_data = fetch_ucirepo(id=849)
toy_data = pd.DataFrame(["Zone 1 Power Consumption"]
dH, H, centroids, markov = sonde(
    X=toy_data, verbose=False, sigma=1000, delta=0.08
    f"Total Number of Gaussians: {len(centroids)}\n\nCentroids:\n\n{centroids}"
Total Number of Gaussians: 11


 [30891.4939403 ]
 [46417.1414591 ]
fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(3, figsize=(20, 10))
fig.suptitle("SONDE Applied to Power Consumption Time Series Data")
ax1.plot(toy_data[:20000, :], "tab:gray")
ax2.plot(H[:20000], "tab:orange")
ax3.plot(dH[:20000], "tab:red")
ax1.set_ylabel("Power Consumption")
ax3.set_ylabel(r"Entropy Variation ($\Delta H$)")
ax3.set_xlabel("Time Series")